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Donation and Gift

Letter of Thanks

Dear our Sponsors,

To create a continuing and vibrant resource for students and scholars at Tan Tao University, Mme Dang Thi Hoang Yen, her daughter, Ms. Nguyen Phuong Anh, former American Ambassador Michael W. Michalak (served 2007 – 2011), Prof. Malcolm Gillis - President Emeritus, Rice University, Founding Board Member and Chairman of Academic Affairs Committee, Tan Tao University and Dr. Tran Duong - Vice Provost, Tan Tao University have honored TTU by donating their collections of books to the Tan Tao Library.  Moreover, from 2012, Tan Tao University Library is happy to join in ASIA Foundation to receive thousand of books. Approximately, the TTU Library got more than 2 billion VND for the book donation. With such generous donations, our donors ensure that their resources and knowledge are not held exclusively by a few, but rather, are shared with others, to provide a center to benefit all those who might read these books  in the future.

The TTU library deeply appreciates their generous donations to help fill our school libraries with exciting books in support of the academic teaching and research mission of this university.  We would like to encourage others to consider making a donation of books, texts or digital materials, which might benefit our university community.

The Tan Tao University would very much appreciate your donations to our library. With such a donation, you can insure that your books and knowledge will never become out-dated, as our students will continue and expand upon your knowledge and resources, to contribute in the future to the arts and sciences and to our society. We welcome your participation in the initiative to create the finest library in the region by contributing books on subjects, such as the natural and applied sciences, business, the humanities and history as well as literature.

If you wish to donate your books, please see the:

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Information of soponsor Donator Biography
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