Mancini, Marc.
Access – Introduction to Travel & Tourism/ Marc Mancini. - Canada.: Cengage Learning, 2013. - 313 p. ; 25 cm. ISBN: 9781133687030.
Summary: This book provides a pleasant journey to the exact and concise knowledge of hospitality and tourism. With a highly practical approach, it offers exactly what you need to learn about tourism industries: Travel, Air Transportation, Hospitality, Travel Agency, Tour, Cruise and other segments in the field. Studying this book also helps you to boost your tourism business by understanding buyer psychology and making the most of technology – the key factor in every realms of industry.
Dewey Class No.: 380.1
Hayt, William Hart.
Engineering Electromagnetics 8th edition/ William Hart Hayt. - New York.: Mc Graw Hill, 2010. - 593 p. ; 25 cm. ISBN: 9780073380667
Summary: Written by the two profound scientists, Dr. William H. Hayt, Jr. and Dr. John A. Buck, Engineering Electromagnetics introduces an additional but significant chapter in its eighth edition: Electromagnetic Radiation and Antenna. This widely-respective book provides fundamental concepts and problem solving designed for basic electromagnetic courses in college. With illustrative charts and images, the book presents difficult concepts in a readable and understandable way.
Dewey Class No.: 530.141
Hill, Peter R.
Practical Software Project Estimation: A Toolkit for Estimating Software Development Effort & Duration/ Compiled and edited by Peter R. Hill. - American.: McGraw-Hill, 2011.- 289 p.; 25 cm. ISBN: 9780071717915.
Summary: This book was complied and edited by Peter R. Hill, chief executive officer and a director of International Software Benchmarking Standards Group (ISBSG), which enhanced its reliability in the tools it provides for project estimation. Using data from the best companies in the world and analyses from experts, the book helps measure the size, cost, schedule of software projects in the most accurate and practical way possible. Information is presented in detail with many different methods of measurement, plan, management and risk minimization. The project estimation framework the book creates helps software companies avoid disastrous results in their projects due to the previous failed traditional measurements.
Dewey Class No.: 005.1
Stevenson, William J.
Introduction to Management Science with Spreadsheets/ William J. Stevenson.- New York.: McGraw-Hill, 2007.-812p.; 25cm. ISBN: 9780072990669
Summary: The book is helpful for those of introductory level of Management Science. It contains three main parts as related to issues in the field such as concepts of management science, modeling and Excel spreadsheets. Using a problem-focus and quantitative approach, the book hopes to explain the difficult concepts to students who have no significant mathematical training and only the most elementary experience with Excel at both undergraduate and MBA levels. It also features practicality through a thorough research of cases and problems carried out by distinguished Doctor and Associate Professor William J. Stevenson
Dewey Class No.: 658
Saladin, Kenneth S.
Human Anatomy/ Kenneth S. Saladin.- New York.: McGraw-Hill, 2008.- 771p.; 25cm. ISBN: 9780072943689
Summary: Human Anatomy bears an effort of the author – professor Ken Saladin, to represent original perspectives and approaches in the field. The book covers the knowledge of different organs’ anatomy in the human body such as bones, muscles, brains and nerves, circulatory system, digestive system, and other functional systems. In addition to the language aid in the beginning of the book, it was written without much focus on prerequisite complex knowledge of biology and chemistry; and provides analogies, clinical insights, historical notes and biographical vignettes, thus becomes less challenging and more enjoyable for students in their approach to the dry subject. The book won the 2016 Books Award.
Dewey Class No.: 611