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TTU Library Gifts and Donation Policy

TTU Library Mission

The TTU Libary offers virtual and physical settings in which to uncover, discover and learn. We provide access to services and collections which enhance research, promote excellence, and support the curriculum of Tan Tao University. We maintain environments that foster critical thinking and information competence, while assuring the curation of, and access to, information.

TTU Library Collections Mission

The Tan Tao University Library provides resources, data and content that enhance research, promote excellence, and support the curriculum of Tan Tao University. The TTU Library is committed to coordinate the selection of materials by those who develop and distribute them and those who use them, and ensure that all members of the TTU community, irrespective of location, have access to the same content.

Gifts in Kind

The TTU Library is selective and will only accept gifted items of distinctive impact that will advance the instructional, learning and research mission of the University. In evaluating potential gifts, the TTU Library is mindful of the significant resources required and costs incurred in handling, processing, accessioning, cataloging, storing, conserving, preserving and providing access to contributed materials. For these reasons, the TTU Library does not accept unsolicited gifts, or items that are already owned or accessible from the TTU Library collection. If items are given to the TTU Library, there is no guarantee they will be added to the TTU Library collection. The TTU Library may also require monetary donations to help defray the costs associated with processing, storing, and preserving gifts.

Once donated, gifted items become the absolute and unconditional property of the University. They will not be returned to the donor. Upon receipt, theTTU Library reserve the right to determine retention, location, cataloging treatment, and other considerations related to their use, maintenance, removal, or disposal. If unsolicited materials are mailed, dropped off or otherwise delivered to the TTU Library, the TTU Library reserve the right to use or dispose of such materials in any manner it deems appropriate and without any obligation whatsoever to the person who donated the material.

If you are interested in finding out more about making a donation to the TTU Library, contact This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it , or the appropriate subject specialist. In most cases, library staff will require you to provide a list of offered materials before bringing or sending any gift materials to the TTU Library. They will review the list to determine whether the content is already available in the TTU Library, and whether it supports the instructional, learning and research mission of the University. In special cases, library staff may arrange for an examination of the offered materials prior to accepting or declining the donation.

Gift Acknowledgment and Valuation

When donations are accepted by theTTU Library, donors will receive a letter, signed by the University Librarian, acknowledging their gift. This letter can be used to claim a tax deduction for charitable giving. Appraisals of gifts to the TTU Library for tax deduction purposes are the sole responsibility of the donor. The TTU Library and the University do not appraise donated items. If you intend to claim a tax deduction for charitable giving, you should consult with a tax advisor regarding any applicable rules or conditions.

Shipping Information

When you are notified that your donation has been accepted and will be added to the TTU Library collection or a subject librarian, will contact you regarding delivery and/or shipping instructions


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