Home About Us Acquisition Policy
Acquisition Policy

1. Purpose:

The purpose of the acquisition policy is to serve as a reference for the library staff to follow when assessing potential acquisitions for the library collections, including print, non-print materials, electronic and other resources. The acquisition policy also includes guidelines for the acceptance and processing of gift resources.

2. Objectives:

The library supports the mission of TTU by providing library and learning resources in print, non-print and electronic formats through the following criteria:

  • Curricular (academic, technical, vocational) needs of the students and teaching faculty.

  • Development of life skills and life learning

  • General and cultural needs of students, faculty, administration, staff and the community.

3. Acquisition / Selection Responsibility

The primary responsibility for the selection of library resources is with the librarians under the direction of the Head Librarian. The selection / acquisition process is a joint effort among faculty members and the librarians. Faculty, staff, administration and students are encouraged to make recommendations for the collection. The teaching faculty serves as subject specialists for their respective disciplines and are encouraged to assess the adequacy of resources, including participating in the weeding / deselection process of resources.

4. Selection Guidelines

The library acquires print materials (books, periodicals, pamphlets, maps, etc.), audiovisuals materials (microforms, audiocassettes, videocassettes, DVD, etc.) and electronic resources. The library acknowledges the continuous change and evolving process of information technologies and is open to new formats that support the mission of the library.

5. Criteria for Selection Evaluation

  • Reviews from authoritative sources and selection aids

  • Recommendations from faculty

  • Recommendations from students, staff, administration

  • Relevance to the curriculum

  • Adequacy of current holdings

  • Availability of resources from other sources

  • Relevance to professional growth

  • Historical / cultural value

  • Level of interest for faculty and students

  • Cost

  • For textbooks, the library will select from 3 items to 5 items in each title.

  • For reference books, the library will select from 1 items to 3 items in each title.

6. Resources not normally purchased

Textbooks for students. The library does not need to buy all the textbooks for TTU's students. The library ONLY collects from 2 to 3 items of a textbook at the library as reference.

7. Copyright Compliance

The library makes every effort to comply with the Copyright laws when acquiring or duplicating resources. A copy of the Copyright Laws is available with this policy, at the Circulation Desk of TTU Library and an abbreviated version via the library web page.

8. Guidelines to suggest books:

  • For Faculty and staff: The Library will send out an email to collect recommendations from faculty members. After receiving those orders, we will make a list. This list will be reviewed and confirmed by deans/heads of schools before conducting requests.

  • Please remember this information:

    • Send your curriculum plan to the library before the semester will be started in 6 months.   In some cases, teacher plans to teach subjects but not clear teaching plan for the coming semester, please also submit requests in advance of 6 months to our library with a clear explanation.

    • For ordering books from the abroad, please note that it will take 6-7 months for the books to be ready at the library.

    • For ordering books in Vietnam, it takes 1 month to get the books.

    • If the request is sent lately, teacher will be responsible of providing books for the classes in that semester. Thus, that list may be applied for next semester request.

  • For students: Please just send any requests to the library via email or any direct contact. Note: please specify your request by title,  ISBN, author, publisher, and date as well in your recommendations. Students are required to mention reasons and the importance of books in their orders.

Form of Suggestion:

If you wish to suggest books, newspapers, journals or other learning objects, please fill up the FORM OF SUGGESTION and send it via emal to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it


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