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Closed stacks

Closed Stack Request:

The TTU Library holds a large amount of material in closed stacks which can be located on library premises or offsite. The largest closed stack is the Mme Dang Thi Hoang Yen's Donated Books which holds 2 thousand items and TTU Dissertations. Closed Stack material can be requested to reading rooms and the following FAQs provide information about this service.

How do I know if something is held in closed stacks?

If an item is held in closed stacks, it is indicated by the status “Closed Stack” in its TTU Library record.

To where can I request it?

You can request most items to any library that receives stack requests but You ONLY to ALLOW to read at the Library. 

Can I borrow the requested items?

The collections are ONLY available at the Library and there is not borrowing services for them.


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