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Brock University Digital Repository

Subject: Business, social sciences, natural sciences and Engineering

Type of Document: Research papers and theses

Access: Free access.


Harold B. Lee Library

Subject: Arts, Nursing; Business, Physics and Mathematics

Type of Document: Scholarly resources

Access: Free access.


HINARI - Research in Health

Subject: Health and Medical Science; all gerne which applied to Health sciences.

Type of Document: Journals and Ebooks

Access: Free access.



Subject: Sciences and arts, business, humanities and literature, mathematics

Type of Document: Research journals

Access: Full text access at the TTU campus.


Subject: Plant sciences

Type of Document: Scholarly papers

Access: Full text access at the TTU campus.


OARE - Research in Environment

Subject: Economics, Engineering, etc. applied to Environment

Type of Document: Journals

Access: Free acess.


University of Waterloo

Subject: Applied Health Sciences; Mathematics; Engineering and Environment

Type of Document: Scholarly resources

Access: Free access.